Exterior shot of the community fridge in Dundee Credits: Transition Dundee
A community fridge makes a big impact on Dundee
"Half of us are satisfied, half of us in need. Love's bountiful in us, tarnished by our greed" sang the Isley Brothers in their 1976 song Harvest For The World.
The song decries the world for its apparent greed; noting seemingly perennial issues such as world hunger and war which unfortunately continue into 2023. The fact that 40% of the world's food is going to waste doesn't do the planet's reputation any favours. Listening to the song’s lyrics, it’d be easy to call it a timeless classic which can be applied across various generations.
Written in the 1970s, the song cannot mention an important development in the mission against food waste and hunger; community fridges.
Dundee West End Community Fridge
Launched in 2019, the Dundee West End Community Fridge is just one of a number of community fridges found around the UK.
A community fridge being where surplus food is collected from supermarkets and other local food businesses, and redistributed to the community.
And fortunately, despite rejection from the Scottish Government for an application of funding, Dundee West End will continue to serve its community, hopefully for years to come after a successful public fundraising campaign.
The premise of this fridge being simple; give if you can, take what you need, and pay what you feel.
Well stocked fridges of food ready to be shared with the community, Credits: Transition Dundee